Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Tuesday night

So I nvited 'Country boy' out to the movies. As I stated previously I was trying to be open minded and look past certain flaws. I picked him up because I like to have a certain level of control over things and because I didn't want him to meet my mom yet. He's already met my dad.  I paid for the tickets, which I didn't mind. I felt like I invited you so It's only right that I buy you a movie ticket( mind you it was $5 movie Tuesday so I wasn't exactly breaking the bank).  We went to go see 'Friends with Benefits' How fitting for a first sort of kind of datish thing. It was a little awkward at moments but the movie was hilarious. After the movie is when i realized I just don't think this will work out at all. First of all, I was suffering from an ear infection and I get them more frequently than I would like. Well he's a smoker and smoke makes ear infections & ear aches worse. So when he lit up I was praying that my ear would be fine in the morning. I explained that I needed to keep my right ear away from his smoke, but that's not always easy when you're trying to have a conversation with someone who smokes. So that was of course an issue for me in the back of my mind for the rest of the night.  We drove around for a little after that and we talked about a bunch of random things. He doesn't believe in marriage. He would rather have a common law marriage. He explained that he doesn't want to sign his name to a piece of paper and all that jazz. I DO! I think marriage is a beautiful thing when you find the right person and all the pieces fit. I want to get married, I want to have a ceremony of sorts, and I want to have a certificate that says that I'm married. Call me crazy, maybe I'm old fashion. So I was turned off a little more. 

While we were together I wasn't ready to stop talking and I didn't want to go home yet so we went to walmart. As we walked in the store he said something that I didn't like. " I hate walmart" those are some harsh words. I love walmart. It's amazing. I have so much fun in there and I enjoy that is open 24/7. He claimed that walmart puts 'mom n pop' shops out of business. That's not walmart's fault. Someone saw there was a market for "onestop" shopping. It's a sign of the times. Look at all the things you can bundle now. Home phone, internet, tv, and even cell phones. Insurance company's now specialize in multiple types of coverage so that people can do their business in one place.  People still use the butcher shop and produce markets because they have better quality items. But some people don't care about quality so walmart meat is just fine for them. But I think it's awesome I can buy socks,bread, jewelry, an air filter for my car, and contact solution all in one store. saves gas. saves time. saves money. I wish people would stop hating on walmart. Our society is all about convenience and walmart has mastered that (except in the check out line).  Some times I do agree people need to be reminded that 'mom n pop' shops still exist, but they don't really make themselves known... It's called advertise. Get creative. Sometimes you have to spend money(wisely) to make money.

I don't think I can date someone who doesn't want to get married, hates walmart, smokes, and I met while drinking.  I was really trying here. But its official. He's fun to talk to and we could be friends. I'm not sure how great of friends though. He likes me (I suspect) and that tends to have it's issues when you're friends with someone that likes you or wants to jump your bones. 

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