Thursday, December 22, 2011

Profile pictures

So I was bored and I thought I'd go check out who's out there on the dating websites. UUmm are you kidding me?!?! I feel like there's a horrible double standard going on or perhaps it's all in my head. As a female I feel like I have to have glamour shots up just to get noticed, but these guys have up blurry photo after blurry photo on their profile or pics of them in hats and sunglasses. I don't know about you, but sunglasses can make ugly people look good. I mean if  I posted a bunch of photos of myself with sunglasses on I'm quite confident that the number of responses I get would be few and far between so why is it OK for guys? Guys don't take pictures like girls do I get that, but now a days every cell phone has a camera on it, go stand in your bathroom mirror and take a goddamn clear picture of your face. Men aren't the only visual creatures. Women also like to have something nice to look at too.  Looks aren't everything, I'm fully aware of that, but considering I'm not accidentally bumping into this guy in public and having a random interesting conversation that makes me want to know about him even though perhaps he's not the most attractive guy does mean you need to peek my interest with something.

Maybe I'm just being ridiculous, but I think that guys should at least try to make me want to talk to you. A blurry photo doesn't make me want to message him  and say hi. Pictures of his dogs do though. Pictures of him and some girl don't make me want to send him a message or wink at him. I don't care for a bunch of pictures of  him from far away surfing or wake boarding or fishing or kayaking. Reading that he does that in his bio is good enough.I do like tattoos so sometimes I like when a guy posts a picture of one of his tattoos up close, but it's overkill if he more than 2 photos of his tattoos Write about it in your bio. Gang signs and him posted up like a wanna be thug aren't appealing either. If I wanted to date Rick Ross I'd be hiding out by his tour boss and stocking his record studio. Photos of guys with children are cute, however if they aren't his I kind of feel like you should save that for facebook.  Perhaps I'm just being super critical though. I'm sure someone could probably have a field day with my profile but my pics are only of me. I don't include pictures with me and friends. I crop them out I don't need the competition. I know how sleazy guys can be and I don't ever want a message that asks for my friends number or to partake in a 3 some. Thank Goodness my friends are too prudish for that. Also I don't post pictures of me that are blurry or 5 years old Keep it current, you know you don't look like that anymore.

I could  have a field day telling you what guys write in their bios. Sometimes I definitely feel like sometimes it's too much, there's not much else to say or talk about after that. I know everything about you, so what are we going to talk about?

Some people turn their noses up at online dating, but for some people it's a convenient way to meet people for whatever reason. Humans are naturally creatures of habit(in my opinion) and sometimes there are people that just don't go everywhere. I go to the gym, then home, then work, then home sometimes, it's school, home, work, the gym. every once in a while I might thrown in an outing to a bar or movie or restaurant. Generally always the same places. That's a very small pool of people to meet and going out all the time to everywhere isn't really who I am, online dating provides a much wider selection of people to meet. But again I  don't be on them every day. It's one of those things where I'm like bored and there's nothing on TV and no one to text and nothing on you tube I'm interested in watching. Although If I get an e-mail that says I have a message in my inbox I'll go check obviously. But I'm not an active member, online dating is my backup plan to my backup plan.

Maybe he's cute, maybe he's not....maybe he has a giant zit on his nose, maybe he doesn't... maybe he's cross eyed, maybe he's not. He might have a Mike Tyson tattoo on his face, which btw isn't that awesome looking

Would this picture make you want to message him?  well I guess if you were really into photography you might.

Monday, December 19, 2011

"I'm too busy for a relationship, but..."

I've always hated when people claim to be "too busy" for a relationship. I feel like unless you work 50+ hours a week,  have an on-call job,  or travel a lot for work you have no right to say I'm too busy for a relationship. Anytime someone says that line in the back of my mind I'm thinking What a cop out. If you weren't interested that's all you had to say. I bring this up because I ran into a guy from my past last week. I happened to be at his job and I saw him and we started texting again. Stupid me. After a couple days I remembered why I stopped talking to him in the first place.  So apparently in his eyes I'm only good for one thing. It's very apparent because every conversation we have always ends up in the same place. So during one of our conversations I made it clear that if  he wanted what he wanted from me he'd have to be dating me. His response was, "I work a lot and don't have time to put into a bf gf thing...i'm open to something like meeting up 2-3 times a week if you were". Those were his exact words. I read that and wanted to just throw my phone. I don't understand how that even makes sense. You don't have time for a relationship but you have time to meet me 2-3 times a week for sex?? I think that's a bunch of BULL SHIT.  

So my conclusion is that he doesn't want to be in a relationship because of financial reasons. Going out on dates is not cheap. It can't be time, he texts me all day and if you have time to meet up 2-3 times a week that's time that could be spent going out to dinner, hanging out, watching a movie, etc. Possibly It could be his last girlfriend was a nag or crazy or something so he just doesn't want the frustrations and complications associated with relationships. Perhaps maybe he's just not interested, but I think I'm quite interesting.  I could be here all night trying to guess why he has presented this ridiculous proposal. I decline any such offer though. I'm not that kind of girl. I'm so much better than that.  

I wish people would stop using that excuse unless of course they legitimately don't have time for a relationship.  I would hope that both parties are adults, If the other person understands that you have a busy life you can make something work if you really want to. Seriously, If you are that interested in another person than you will make any necessary changes to fit them into your schedule. If you aren't really interested you're a lot more likely to not make much effort for anything so of course it wouldn't work. I'm a very understanding person. If some guy I liked told me he had a busy schedule but was still interested in trying to make something work I'd be all for it. I have a life too. I'm not just sitting at home all day doing nothing and waiting for his every text message. We all have days off work and even though they may not always match up doesn't mean you can't find time for each other. If you meet the right person time doesn't have to be an issue. Some women require a lot of time and then there are those women that don't require all your time because they have their own life too and there every waking moment doesn't involve their boyfriend/companion/significant other/etc.