Sunday, October 9, 2011

So I know it's been awhile

So It's been some time. I've wanted to blog however I've been unmotivated. A little depressed really, I've been blogging since the end of February, so its been 7 months. Things have been rather stagnant...I kind of wish I had more exciting things to tell everyone about.  My personal life has been a rollercoaster. This past week I had to watch them put handcuffs on my brother and take him away. To think that every time I walk up stairs he's no longer going to be in his room asleep and snoring ridiculously loud or asleep on his toilet with the door wide open snoring ridiculously loud sucks. For the next however many years I'm going to have schedule times to talk to him on the phone or make appointments to see him where ever he ends up. I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it. You never think it could happen to your family and then it does, and its earth-shattering, legit. I kid you not.

So on to another subject that isn't going to make me cry. I'm not in a crying mood right now. So I went to get a new tire on Friday morning and the guy who was changed my tires was cute and hitting on me. Inside I was blushing. I'm a man whore and I love the attention but when he mentioned that he had a kid my mind threw up all these red flags immediately. I honestly have a real metal block that doesn't even allow things to go anywhere. It's a Speed bump I put up that no man can get over. But he was cute. Now I'm quite sure he wasn't the one, but without giving him a shot how am I to know for sure. I'm beginning to think that my phobia is getting in the way. It seems like most guys these days have kids. I have to remember this isn't 5 years ago. Children are beautiful, but seriously?!?! Did everyone just forget about birth control? UGH.... my love life is doomed.

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