So I definitely put up a front sometimes when it comes to how I feel about relationships and stuff. I pretend like it doesn't it bother me but I do have moments where I feel scared that I just might end up alone. I really don't want to be the 35 year old woman who's not married, not dating, and does nothing but work. I used to think that I was pretty reasonable and I didn't ask for much, but I'm having second thoughts maybe I do have high standards and I don't seem to realize it. I just can't see lowering my standards. I'd like another person's opinion. Maybe I'm not being as unrealistic as I seem to think I'm being.
So I'm pretty simple It doesn't take a whole lot to impress me. Little things mean a million times more than grand gestures however I still like to know that you are capable of doing big things. Like a first date. I'd like a guy to put his best foot forward. Take me to a nice restaurant and show me a good time. Treat me like a princess. I want to know it's worth my while to continue dating you. Now most women might expect that from a guy all the time but that's not me. I just want to know you can. After you do that. Our next date can be to a ball park or a sports bar.
When It comes to communication maybe I do ask for too much. I like a perfect balance. I hate too much communication and I hate too little communication. If I text you at some point during the day and tell you that I'm going to call you when I get off work. You better damn well be expecting my call. If you're busy send me a text and say "hey, Im watching a movie, ill call You when its over" or something. For the first month I understand you're probably not going to know my work schedule, but half way through the 2nd month you should know. Don't make me feel like I don't matter. It drives me crazy. There's no reason why you should only seem to contact me after midnight. That's a booty call. As your girlfriend, I deserve more. Oh and Eeww don't text me every waking moment either. I do have a life and It doesn't completely revolve around you. If you text me once and it's not an emergency please wait a considerate amount of time before you text me again, like maybe 30 plus mins. 5 texts in less than 5 minutes and we aren't having an actual conversation drives me crazy.
It is also important for me that the guy im with knows how to be supportive. If Im telling you about my dreams no matter how ridiculous, I need you to tell me that I can make it happen. Don't cut me down and tell me it's impossible... I'm not your little sister. I also need to be able to have an intelligent conversation and a nonsense conversation about pop culture. I'm not saying he has to know the latest news about Beyonce, but If I mention something about it please pretend to be interested.
[Alright this blog is getting long and its getting late]
The other things I look for in a guy:
* income and income growth potential
* No kids
* A vehicle
* A social life
* demonstrates social maturity
* demonstrates a level of coolness
* Likes football and basketball
* Likes doing things other than sitting on the couch
* reads
* Drinks alcohol(not excessively though)
* showers regularly
* Doesn't play video games for more than an hour a day.
* wears ankle socks
* doesn't own crocs
* Brushes teeth regularly
* clips toe nails and takes care of feet
* decent fingernail length. not too long and not too short( i cant stand nail bitters)
hhmm I think that's it. I know it's a laundry list..... I do ask for a lot. If I could find someone who's similar to me but taller and male and single... that would be perfect. I am unrealistic. I might need to rethink some things. I just feel like I've have to settle so much already in my life. I'm tired of settling for less than what I really want.
AMEN! Your thoughts pretty much mirror my own. I don't think you have high standards. You just want what you want, why is that so wrong? =)