So there's this guy I know, well actually I know a couple of guys with kids who like me. Anyways I'm afraid of guys who have kids. I love little ones and I think they are so adorable, but when you get involved with a guy who has a kid there's so much baggage. You get the guy, then you get his kid, and then you get the kid's mother. A relationship should just be two people in the beginning, but when it comes to a guy with a kid, it's 4 people. Not something I really want to sign on to. I liked someone once who had a child and I thought it was mutual then the next thing I know he was telling me that he wanted to try to work things out with the mother of his son. Which I could completely understand. But no amount of understanding can prevent that feeling that you get when someone you like says that to you. It's a huge let down. You get all excited because you think that something great might occur and then you're knocked down. It's like walking all those damn stairs inside the statue of Liberty only to get the top and have to walk all the way down without getting to enjoy the view. It sucks. Trust me I know.
When you have a child with someone there's this bond you will forever share with that person and it's pretty incredible. I mean I don't know personally but I watch Tv and I could imagine what it must feel like. It's some pretty powerful stuff creating life. It just scares me. The bond is strong. I'm a realist and I know realistically speaking no one wants their child to grow up in two homes and have two sets of parents. So I could imagine that deep down as a single parent there are moments you wonder if you should give it another shot with your child's other parent. Now I know you may be thinking, what if he has no honest desire to get back with the mother of his child. That happens too however if she's not in the same place in her life then you have to put up with 'Baby Mama' drama. She's jealous of you. She calls when she knows you're on a date and says there's an emergency just to come between you. She makes it a mission to sabotage your relationship. That is something I'd rather not deal with. As a female I know first hand that we can be 'catty' and bitchy. I will be completely honest that I don't like fuss. Maybe I might fight back at first but there would come a time(real quick) that I would just surrender and walk away. I've never met a guy worth fighting for and even if I did Baby Mama's scare me. They are truly on a whole other level.
My fear of guys with kids is a little debilitating. I absolutely avoid them like I do speeding tickets. But for some unknown reason I seem to keep getting them. If you know me than you know my driving record and it's not perfect. I doubt that Pizza hut would hire me as their delivery driver. Speeding tickets are attracted to me just like guys with kids. But I'm not a fan of either. One's financially expensive and the other is emotionally costly. But part of me in my coming of ageness is wondering if maybe this fear is keeping me from experiencing something that could be potentially worth my while.
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