Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So Monday night I go hang out with this guy I know, let's call him "HomeDepot". We were supposed to hang out Sunday but it didn't work out. So we met up when he got off work Monday night.  OH BOY BIG MISTAKE. I got off work first so I went home and showered. I thought I'd be considerate to his nose. No one wants to hang around a smelly person, not that I'm smelly I just prefer to be fresh. UNFORTUNATELY... Not everyone shares my same consideration. When I arrived we hugged and my nose wanted to jump off my face. He was not fresh at all. So let me just say he has a job where he does manual labor and I'm sure at some point throughout the day he gets a little sweaty....SO WHY THE FUCK DID HE NOT THINK TO SHOWER FIRST??? seriously?!?! so we are hanging out and I don't want to be rude so I was really trying not to think about how bad he smelled. Here's where it gets even better... He goes in for a kiss and stuff and I'm like dying. Thank goodness he didn't kiss me for very long or I would have threw up in his mouth. I'm very particular about B.O. I shower before I go to the gym because I don't want to be that funky person that gets talked about. How embarrassing is that when some hott guy gets on the treadmill next to you and then leaves suddenly because you reak? EXACTLY!  If i know I'm going to be around people I shower before I go hang out with them even at the beach or pool....Sorry but salt water doesn't get rid of B.O. So yeah, not pretty I wish he would have taken a shower. It would have made hanging out a lot more pleasant. The next time he asks to hang out I'm gunna be like you should shower first if we're hanging out after you get off work.  We are not cave people there is no reason for people to be hanging out with B.O.

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