Sunday, August 7, 2011

Really Cosmo????

So I bought the latest issue of Cosmo the other day because Kim Kardashian was on the cover, not that I even like her, but some of the topics seemed interesting. So there was an article called " 25 sensual ways to Pamper your body" and some of the suggestions were ridiculous and some of them were like WOW I'd do that

So here are the ones I liked:
#2 Put on a sleeping mask after slipping into a warm steamy bath
# 10 Position your bum in front of a pool's jet for a massage
#17 work a drop of peppermint oil through your tresses while in the shower 

hard to believe I only liked 3 out of 25. I tried #21 because I thought it was appealing. Until I tried it. not for me. So in case it might be for you. Check out where you can insert yourself into the story. when i read the little preview they let you see for free, I was thinking, WTF.  It felt odd seeing my name in a story. But they have romance, western, vampires, stuff for teens, etc. #15 was dangle your foot above a sprinkler, and let the strings of water tickle your heel. I'm super ticklish and I'd just be cracking up the whole time. Plus how silly would I look standing in my yard with my foot in front of my sprinkler? I'm not sure how that is supposed to be sensual. #6 was strip down and check yourself out in the mirror.

They should add sitting on a vibrating couch to the list. I've done that before. It felt amazing and it helps put you in the mood if you have it on the right setting. It was a lot of fun.

There was another article " Guys rate 50 sex moves" I read it, but it was all pretty much stuff I knew. The article was very typical.  What guy wants you to bite down on his tongue or what guy wouldn't love for you to ask him to cum on your chest??? NO BRAINER! come on, Cosmo you can do better than that. Or maybe I should just know a little less than I do. ;-) Right

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