Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sometimes your compliments DON'T make me feel better

The other day I was driving home from the gym and I was texting a friend. I told him I had just went to the gym and pretty soon I'll look really good. He responded with you're sexy no matter what. which would normally make any girl blush, right?? WRONG. my first thought was "Oh, that's great.But apparently not sexy enough for you to ever date"? just my luck. So then this sparked a whole conversation in my head about all the times I've received compliments and wasn't overly excited about them. Like when you see people that you don't regularly hang out with or see and one of the first things out of their mouth is "have you lost weight"? and in the back of your head you are actually thinking, If anything I've gained weight, but thanks. So then  you think to yourself Did I look that fat before? It's not a very pleasant feeling you feel when that happens. Sometimes I wish people didn't say anything at all. What's wrong with a simple conversation. "Hi, How are you?" "what"s new"? " Good to see you" "I miss you". I would just like to say I'm not a huge fan of compliments. Every now and again its ok but sometimes I just feel weird.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

An old poem

I've been hurt over and over for the past 7 years.... this reminds me why I started this. I'm looking for more than what i've gotten in the past. 

I feel so hurt I just want to cry
let all the tears just  flow from my eyes.
the rum in my coke has gone missing
my yang is left without a yin
how foolish I was to follow so blindly 
like a lemming before it plunges to its death 
 I feel so hurt i just want to cry
let all the tears flow from my eyes  
the touch of our lips ignited a blazing fire
running rampant under the cool night sky
for you I tried my best
apparently that  just  wasn’t enough
i feel so hurt i just want to cry
let all the tears just flow from my eyes
a crime I must have committed 
for I’m being treated like I am nothing

My head and Va-jay -jay need to get on the same page

So I've been working hard on loosing weight and I've been going to the gym a few times a week. It's great. I feel better and I have more energy(sometimes) and I've lost a total of 19 lbs since June 1st. Working out is great. I'm trying to get healthy however all this working out is creating another problem in my life. I've been hornier than normal which makes it that much harder to turn it down when an offer comes my way.... The goal is to save myself until I'm in a committed relationship with someone. When i started I had no real desire so it was easy. But it keeps getting harder and harder. One of the reasons I chose to do this was because the sex I was having wasn't great and it left me feeling so empty. I was over the empty meaningless sex and I still am. But I feel like if I don't go get some soon I might bite someone's head off. I wish I could at least find a guy that was worth it but my phone is full of "2 pump chumps".  I'm going crazy. I've been trying to put all this energy somewhere but it only works for a little. My ex has been trying to get at it and even though it wasn't good then I have this unwavering curiosity that maybe it might be different this time around. I don't know. HUGE DILEMMA. I'm running out of ways to say no to something I really want. Reminding myself that It won't be great is only going to take me so far. Some point soon I'm going to have to give in just so I can get it out of my system. Its like being on a diet and craving chocolate cake.... you won't be happy till you at least have a piece.  FML seriously

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I found an old poem i wrote back in day on myspace

I layed an offer on the table.
and you accepted.
a dirty game was provoked
the moment i stepped foot in your room.
a royal flush i felt
when your lips landed upon mine.
i had only wanted to bluff
but you called it
 your scent and my lust
threw me off my game.  
i kept trying to play it safe
however poker was not meant to be played that way.
hearts and diamonds took over
landing me a loosing hand.
i folded and let you have it-
a big mistake that was.
you got what you needed
now i serve no purpose to you.
your tone with me has changed
and you don't even see me the same.
a straigh flush of spades has conquered my hearts-
in the game of poker you have winners and you
have losers. 

I Don't even play poker btw.... but not too shabby 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ex-Boyfriend alert....

So Monday night when I was hanging out with "HomeDepot" I got a friend request from one of my ex-boyfriends. I was really shocked. I almost wasn't sure if I should approve it or not. But I don't hate him so I did approve it. We were talking on facebook today and had a good chat. Although he did say a thing or two that caught me off guard. He said he was worried about me because we hadn't talked in so long. I ended things back in 2007. So yeah it's been some time. I honestly just never thought he was interested in keeping in touch. Not that I would have either way. Maybe for a little I would have kept in touch but I'd get over quick and just leave things well enough alone. Whatever though. Enough time has gone by and I've grown up enough that we can be friends. He also asked if I was single, which immediately through up a red flag in my mind. There are very few reasons why an Ex will ask that. A, they are still interested. B, They hope they are doing better off than you. C, they honestly care and want to see you happy.I think that's it.  So I'm pretty sure he doesn't honestly care so we can rule out choice C. Shortly after asking about my dating status, he also asked if I was still a freak...RED FLAG RED FLAG. I probably should have stopped the conversation at that point, but I didn't. In the history of post relationship etiquette I'm pretty sure that's an illegal question. I answered 'Maybe'. I must be oblivious because I never thought of myself as a 'Freak'. But then again back in 2007 I was still a little out there and care free. I have since calmed way down.  ***Overly honest moment***  I remember one of the first few times we hung out I got naked in his truck and stuff happened.  I didn't really think that that was freaky.  One time I think I did admit to him that I would be interested in having a 3-some with another guy or girl. but again on a scale of 1 to 10 that is only like a 5 or 6. Rather mediocre.  He also mentioned in the conversation that he should stop by and come see me some time. ** CODE FOR: I Want to 'hook up' **  I know his exact thought too, "she gives amazing head and I want some" He may also be thinking "That shit was tight too I'd like that" but my response to him would be, "you can't handle it... You'll cum in 30 seconds and then where will that leave me? NO THANKS!"   I have no desire to be with my Ex sexually in any way shape or form. Back then it wasn't good for me and I'm sure not much has changed.

Are we really that Immature?

Alright so as I was driving to the gym today I was thinking about all the times I've been snuck into a guys house in the wee hours of the night/morning and times where it seemed the only place to go was a the backseat of a car or the beach in the dark dark. It dawned on me that I'm 24 now and that is officially no longer cool. I'm not sure why I even thought it was ok to begin with, but lets not go there. So I took an in depth look at the situation and I've come up with only 3 reasons why a guy wouldn't want you over his place.

Excuse #1 He's embarrassed to be seen with you in front of his roommates. I say this because We're all adults and sex is a natural part of life, so why would your roommates care if you're having sex in your room that you pay rent for? and If they did have a problem, personally I'd say a big FUCK YOU to them. You pay rent so you can do what ever you want in your room short of stuff that's obviously against landlord policy. Your roommate has to get up early, fine just let me scream into a pillow no one has to hear me, problem solved.

Excuse#2 He's got a girlfriend (that he lives with or whatever). So in that case, one should be careful of any random reasons a guy could come up with for not having you over his place. RED FLAG. RED FLAG! It could be that his roommates  know he has a girlfriend too and he doesn't want to involve them in his cheating behavior and than it accidentally slips one day to the girlfriend that he's been having other girls over. It's possible he lives at home and his parents know who his GF is. I'm sure they wouldn't condone his behavior, unless of course they are as morally bankrupt as he is. 

Excuse #3 His roommates know you. Like say you're friends with his roommates, or a little sister, cousin, maybe ex of one of his roommates. That would definitely make things weird and I could understand why he wouldn't want to have you over.

outside of these 3 reasons there is no reason to ever have to resort to a backseat unless of course you really really like that sort of thing. I mean even if you live at home it can be done. You just have to know how you're family operates. Mine. No guy can spend that night. Works for me. I snore and I hate it so I have desire to have a guy stay over. My parents aren't big into casual sex, but If the guy is my boyfriend then its not casual.  I'm sure any parent knows that at a certain age you have feelings and you're grown. Personally I'd rather have my child having sex at home then out in some dirty motel or out in public where they can get arrested. How Embarrassing is that??  People talk.

I know America is full of prudes, but get with the program already. SEX SEX SEX SEX! it's natural and fun. If you don't make people resort to crazy stuff its a hell of a lot more satisfying too. I think if more people were having sex they'd be a lot less stressed out and wound up. If you go too long without you go crazy. WAKE UP WASHINGTON!!! maybe that's what's wrong with our politicians, they need more sex in their life. But they should definitely keep it off facebook, twitter, and their cell phones(Sen.Anthony Weiner).


So Monday night I go hang out with this guy I know, let's call him "HomeDepot". We were supposed to hang out Sunday but it didn't work out. So we met up when he got off work Monday night.  OH BOY BIG MISTAKE. I got off work first so I went home and showered. I thought I'd be considerate to his nose. No one wants to hang around a smelly person, not that I'm smelly I just prefer to be fresh. UNFORTUNATELY... Not everyone shares my same consideration. When I arrived we hugged and my nose wanted to jump off my face. He was not fresh at all. So let me just say he has a job where he does manual labor and I'm sure at some point throughout the day he gets a little sweaty....SO WHY THE FUCK DID HE NOT THINK TO SHOWER FIRST??? seriously?!?! so we are hanging out and I don't want to be rude so I was really trying not to think about how bad he smelled. Here's where it gets even better... He goes in for a kiss and stuff and I'm like dying. Thank goodness he didn't kiss me for very long or I would have threw up in his mouth. I'm very particular about B.O. I shower before I go to the gym because I don't want to be that funky person that gets talked about. How embarrassing is that when some hott guy gets on the treadmill next to you and then leaves suddenly because you reak? EXACTLY!  If i know I'm going to be around people I shower before I go hang out with them even at the beach or pool....Sorry but salt water doesn't get rid of B.O. So yeah, not pretty I wish he would have taken a shower. It would have made hanging out a lot more pleasant. The next time he asks to hang out I'm gunna be like you should shower first if we're hanging out after you get off work.  We are not cave people there is no reason for people to be hanging out with B.O.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

2.5 seconds away from reality

When I woke up this morning and rolled over I got a text from this guy I had been chatting with last night. He said, "Morning Hun". For all of 2.5 seconds I felt special. It's nice to know someone thinks about you enough to send you a good morning text, but then when I joined reality I remembered he's just another guy, not a potential thing and he's probably just trying to get into my pants.  I've been friends with him for a year or so and I think at one point we were interested in each other but because of our crazy schedules it was impossible. #fml

Really Cosmo????

So I bought the latest issue of Cosmo the other day because Kim Kardashian was on the cover, not that I even like her, but some of the topics seemed interesting. So there was an article called " 25 sensual ways to Pamper your body" and some of the suggestions were ridiculous and some of them were like WOW I'd do that

So here are the ones I liked:
#2 Put on a sleeping mask after slipping into a warm steamy bath
# 10 Position your bum in front of a pool's jet for a massage
#17 work a drop of peppermint oil through your tresses while in the shower 

hard to believe I only liked 3 out of 25. I tried #21 because I thought it was appealing. Until I tried it. not for me. So in case it might be for you. Check out Bookbyyou.com where you can insert yourself into the story. when i read the little preview they let you see for free, I was thinking, WTF.  It felt odd seeing my name in a story. But they have romance, western, vampires, stuff for teens, etc. #15 was dangle your foot above a sprinkler, and let the strings of water tickle your heel. I'm super ticklish and I'd just be cracking up the whole time. Plus how silly would I look standing in my yard with my foot in front of my sprinkler? I'm not sure how that is supposed to be sensual. #6 was strip down and check yourself out in the mirror.

They should add sitting on a vibrating couch to the list. I've done that before. It felt amazing and it helps put you in the mood if you have it on the right setting. It was a lot of fun.

There was another article " Guys rate 50 sex moves" I read it, but it was all pretty much stuff I knew. The article was very typical.  What guy wants you to bite down on his tongue or what guy wouldn't love for you to ask him to cum on your chest??? NO BRAINER! come on, Cosmo you can do better than that. Or maybe I should just know a little less than I do. ;-) Right

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I feel like there's an invisible sign over my head

I've always thought this and I think It would be safe to confirm that there is an invisible sign over my head that only men can see that says "Side chick" either that or I give off some unknown hormone that attracts guys with girlfriends, fiance's, and wives. Not kidding. So I was talking to "Dolphin Boxer" on facebook. we've been friends/acquaintances for a long while and after telling me how I'd be the perfect Birthday present and he misses my boobs. I learn he's engaged and getting married in a year. I've known for a while since post-hooking up that he actually had a girlfriend and all I just didn't realize it was serious like that.  I shouldn't have been surprised. I mean I have a history of getting involved with guys with a main squeeze.  So what does this tell me about men? well they can't be trusted. HONESTLY!!! Sometimes it makes me rethink this whole thing. I know all guys aren't bad but I think the good ones are truthfully all gone at this point.

So the first guy I hooked up who had a gf I found out the hard way. She started sending me nasty nasty messages on Myspace and I swear she even stalked me at work. But I wasn't the only side piece he had either. Then there was this other guy, his baby mama actually called me and left nasty threatening messages on my cell phone. I never knew he was trying to work stuff out with her while he was hooking up with me. Then there is this one married guy that when we were first hanging out and stuff I was clueless that he had a gf, was engaged, and soon to be married.He surely never acted like there was another woman. Then there was this guy I worked with who was sleeping with me and another girl I knew in the office and was friendly with. I found out when she was pregnant with his baby. That was not the best situation. Then there was this guy that I worked with and his girlfriend also worked in the same place. Super awkward. The first time I met him he also never acted like he had a girlfriend.  There was another married man too. I thought they were separated but they were very much still married. I think I'm nearing the end.... Oh yeah and the guy I hooked up on a off for a while. I just recently learned he has a son. He's only a few months old and I cant recall during the past year texting back and forth and again I had no idea there was another woman and baby.

In no way am I proud of these hook-ups. But ladies let it be a lesson that "you think you know, but you have no idea". I don't want to make you paranoid but it could happen to anyone. I'm thinking there may even be people missing. I don't remember everyone off the top of my head.  Some guys can be just as clever as we can. Not all guys are bad at cheating.

Friday, August 5, 2011

House hunter

So I was trying to figure out what I should do with all this pent up sexual energy. I wrote an Erotic Short story(fictional).... I used to write them all the time and I stopped from lack of inspiration. I'm a little rusty and out of the groove, but I hope you ENJOY!
******The character is who ever you want her to be. She can be you( if you're a woman) or a woman you know.  

I sell houses and I’m pretty damn good at it. At 28 I’ve sold more houses than some of the senior sales reps have but I’ve been told that my aggressive style is a turn off in other areas of my life. Honestly, I just think that I’m not meeting the right guys. There is nothing wrong with a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. In case anyone missed the memo it is 2011 and not 1940. It was November and things were rather slow for me I wasn’t selling as much as I would have liked to. One afternoon my phone did ring and a very pleasant sounding voice was on the other end. I was intrigued already without really paying to attention to what the voice was telling me. This guy had seen my advertisement on a park bench and thought I’d be perfect in helping him find a new place to live.

The next day he came to the office and we met to talk about what it was that he was looking for in a house so I could begin searching around for him. The first time I laid eyes on him I was surprised that he actually looked almost exactly how I had pictured him from his voice. It was breath taking I must admit. He was very handsome. When he walked over to me to shake my hands and introduce himself his 6’5 frame seemed to just tower over me like a sky scrapper. His hands were soft so I could tell he didn’t work with his hands for a living. His cologne smelled amazing and I came to conclude that he has expensive taste and deep pockets. Judging by his demeanor I could tell he was slightly arrogant and not ashamed of it.

After our first meeting I couldn’t get his beautiful blue eyes out of my mind. I could have just gotten lost in them they were so deep and rich with color. I’m also a sucker for a nice set of blue eyes. I thought his arrogance would bother me a little but he also actually kind of sweet at times and I wasn’t sure what to think about it. He was demanding though. His list of ‘must-haves’ read like a grocery list. Finding everything he wanted in one place I knew was going to be a big challenge. I tried to reason with him but he was also stubborn and not willing to compromise. 

A few weeks later I was able to find a couple houses that met most of his wants so I set up a walk-through. We met up at a beautiful estate in Coral Gables and I took him on a tour. He didn’t seem overly interested in what it had to offer so we ventured to the next place. I was getting annoyed at all his comments about what he hated, which was a lot by the way. The next stop things just got worse. We only spent about 5 minutes inside and he was ready to leave. He complained that I hadn’t listened to his demands and that if I couldn’t find better homes He’d no longer need my services.

I spent the next few days working really hard. The worst feeling in my job is getting canned by a client. His wants were just impossible so I thought I’d get creative the next go around and distract him. When we met the second time to look at houses I was dressed in a very short dress that hugged me in the right places and showed off my nice chest. During the walk through I could feel his eyes paying more attention to my ass than the house which was great for me. I knew at this point I could probably get him to buy anything before he realized what he was getting into. We ended up seeing one other place and after that he was ready to buy. I was super excited to get the deal over with. Not only was he a hard client to please but there was something about him I found irresistible and I really wanted to have sex with him.

It was now the middle of December and I was finalizing paperwork for him to sign. When I called him to tell him I needed his signature and then He’d get the keys he demanded we meet at the house instead of my office. It wasn’t my first choice but it was his and he is my client. By the time I was able to arrive at the property it was dark outside. I had other clients I needed to tend to first. He didn’t seem to mind the late meeting though.  We went inside to get out of the warm Florida weather. When I set the papers down on the kitchen counter for him to sign part of me was sad I’d never see his beautiful blue eyes again or smell his amazing cologne.

He picked up the pen and acted like he was going to sign the papers but he stopped and looked at me with this look that said he was having second thoughts. I squinted my eyes at him trying to figure out what was suddenly wrong. Terrified of what he might say I started spouting out all the good things about the house and reminding him that it was probably the closest thing he’d ever find to what he was looking for. I was blabbering so much I hardly noticed that he had moved closer and was now towering over me looking down with a smile. Confused by the expression on his face I became quiet. 

For what seemed like forever no words were exchanged and we just stood there staring at one another. The next thing I knew his lips were pushed up against mine and I couldn’t stop myself from kissing back. I had day dreamed about what kissing him might be like but it was far better than I could have ever imagined, his lips were so soft and sweet. My heart was racing and the thoughts in my head were going just as fast. I couldn’t believe what was happening and before I had a chance to fully grasp what it all meant he stopped. It was very abrupt like someone slamming on the breaks in a high speed moving vehicle. I had no idea what to think and my mind went blank. I couldn’t even form a sentence. My mouth opened but I’m not sure anything coherent came out and then it happened again. He kissed me once more this time grabbing my body and bringing it closer to his. Our bodies were pressed up hard against one another’s and I could feel his heart beating fast. 

There was no use trying to fight him off and deep down I wanted it just as bad as he did. I gave into desire and threw all caution out the window. I eagerly tugged at the buttons on his shirt to get them undone, ripped it off, and tossed it aside. Not wanting to waste time I quickly dealt with his belt and pants and tossed them aside as well. Once he was naked I took off my dress and bra. I had decided that day I wanted to go bare. He backed me up into the wall and picked me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

My body was highly responsive to his every touch and the moment his cock entered my vagina my body hiccuped.  He fit perfectly inside like a hand in a glove. For a few moments he stood still just kissing my mouth and neck before he began to move in and out of me slowly. He looked into my eyes with such intensity and kissed with such passion. No guy had ever done that with me before and it unleashed a side of me I normally kept hidden. His thrusts increased in speed and strength. I had to grip tightly onto his shoulders just to keep from bouncing all over the place.

Between breaths my screams filled the echoing silence of the empty house. Over and over he pounded his cock into me tirelessly fucking me in hopes of making me climax. I could tell it was requiring great effort for him to hold back and make me cum first. His considerateness aroused me even more and I called for a position change. I knew it was easier for me to cum if I were on top so I ordered him to get on the ground and I straddled him. Once again when his cock entered my vagina my body hiccuped. It felt amazing to be on top and feel in charge. I was finally in a position where I could make the demands and I loved every second of it.

I moved up and down slowly at first getting myself reacquainted with his cock. Once I was comfortable and ready I picked up the pace to where we were before we changed positions. In no time at all I could feel myself nearing towards an orgasm and I couldn’t stop. I went full speed ahead moving faster and faster until I felt it just ripple through me. My body twitched and jerked a couple of times and I went cross eyed for a second it was so intense. When I could regain myself and catch my breath I had to order him to be still. My nerves were super sensitive and I thought I might just explode if he kept moving inside me.  It took very little time before I was ready to go again so that he could finish too. We rolled around on the ground changing positions so he was now on top.

He entered me with such swiftness my body didn’t even have time to react as it had before. The kitchen smelled of sex and his cologne and I was dying to feel his hot cum shoot inside me. Like a predator devouring its prey he moved in and out with such a hunger. Every time I clenched my muscles around him I could tell it made him that much closer to the end. I dug my nails into his back and I swear he roared like a lion. It was very hot and it made me bite my lip. Moments later he made the most ridiculous face, his body tensed up, and then his hot cum filled what little space was left in the hot velvety cavern of my vagina.

It was hot and steamy and I secretly hoped maybe the feeling would last awhile but shortly after climaxing he stood up, signed the papers, and got dressed as if nothing had happened. The room climate quickly became cold and lonely. Not sure how to interpret his actions I got dressed without saying a word and walked out the door. I never heard from him again except for a delivery of Tulips I received with a note that stated I was worth every penny he paid me and more.

Official Honest moment #1

FUCK ME (literally)!!!!!! I need to get laid. I'm just saying. I have all this pent up energy and no place to put it. UGH!!! 

Don't judge me, I'm no angel and I'm only human

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My weakness

I have a weakness and I'm embarrassed to talk about it, but I can't help myself. So there's a guy I know and talk to and every time he sends me a message on facebook or yahoo I get this big grin on my face. He's out of my league( not like that) but for reasons I'd rather not admit I shouldn't even have contact with him but it kind of makes things a little more exciting. We met what seems like forever ago. It was back when Myspace was still cool. So that has been some time because facebook took over. I came over late at night and he played his guitar for me. It was pretty exciting. Then some other events took place that I would prefer not to discuss at this time and I was hooked.  He's kind of like a drug. I mean I can go without thinking about him and I don't experience withdraw but when he says jump, my next question is 'how high'. now depending on my current situation I don't mind giving in to any requests he has from me. Usually though I do feel the need to make myself unavailable and make him work hard for what it is he wants.There are times that I want him and I can't have him so he should experience the same feelings I do. It's tough when two people work opposite schedules and have different things going on their life.

 He has nice lips, he smells good, an attractive profession, and nice hands just to name a few things i like about him.  He's not the guy I'd marry, but certainly the guy I'd love to have on the side. ssshhh... don't tell anyone.  I've been trying this thing where i've been trying to behave and stuff but this guy makes me want to be bad and I like breaking my own rules for him. Only him though. I have a special spot for him. oh yeah not to mention he's a man with many talents. I like that about a guy. You can't just do one thing in life well.

I'm actually kind of missing him at the moment, I haven't heard from him. But I guess that is to be expected with a busy life and work. Hopefully I've at least crossed his mind once but I know I'm not his one and only, his list is pretty impressive. I don't hate though. I am in need of a fix however.

My Tuesday night

So I nvited 'Country boy' out to the movies. As I stated previously I was trying to be open minded and look past certain flaws. I picked him up because I like to have a certain level of control over things and because I didn't want him to meet my mom yet. He's already met my dad.  I paid for the tickets, which I didn't mind. I felt like I invited you so It's only right that I buy you a movie ticket( mind you it was $5 movie Tuesday so I wasn't exactly breaking the bank).  We went to go see 'Friends with Benefits' How fitting for a first sort of kind of datish thing. It was a little awkward at moments but the movie was hilarious. After the movie is when i realized I just don't think this will work out at all. First of all, I was suffering from an ear infection and I get them more frequently than I would like. Well he's a smoker and smoke makes ear infections & ear aches worse. So when he lit up I was praying that my ear would be fine in the morning. I explained that I needed to keep my right ear away from his smoke, but that's not always easy when you're trying to have a conversation with someone who smokes. So that was of course an issue for me in the back of my mind for the rest of the night.  We drove around for a little after that and we talked about a bunch of random things. He doesn't believe in marriage. He would rather have a common law marriage. He explained that he doesn't want to sign his name to a piece of paper and all that jazz. I DO! I think marriage is a beautiful thing when you find the right person and all the pieces fit. I want to get married, I want to have a ceremony of sorts, and I want to have a certificate that says that I'm married. Call me crazy, maybe I'm old fashion. So I was turned off a little more. 

While we were together I wasn't ready to stop talking and I didn't want to go home yet so we went to walmart. As we walked in the store he said something that I didn't like. " I hate walmart" those are some harsh words. I love walmart. It's amazing. I have so much fun in there and I enjoy that is open 24/7. He claimed that walmart puts 'mom n pop' shops out of business. That's not walmart's fault. Someone saw there was a market for "onestop" shopping. It's a sign of the times. Look at all the things you can bundle now. Home phone, internet, tv, and even cell phones. Insurance company's now specialize in multiple types of coverage so that people can do their business in one place.  People still use the butcher shop and produce markets because they have better quality items. But some people don't care about quality so walmart meat is just fine for them. But I think it's awesome I can buy socks,bread, jewelry, an air filter for my car, and contact solution all in one store. saves gas. saves time. saves money. I wish people would stop hating on walmart. Our society is all about convenience and walmart has mastered that (except in the check out line).  Some times I do agree people need to be reminded that 'mom n pop' shops still exist, but they don't really make themselves known... It's called advertise. Get creative. Sometimes you have to spend money(wisely) to make money.

I don't think I can date someone who doesn't want to get married, hates walmart, smokes, and I met while drinking.  I was really trying here. But its official. He's fun to talk to and we could be friends. I'm not sure how great of friends though. He likes me (I suspect) and that tends to have it's issues when you're friends with someone that likes you or wants to jump your bones. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They don't make em like this any more...

My father left my my mom a card this morning...

On the envelope it read: Whenever You find this know that at the time it was left it was left with love

Inside the card read: I should tell you more often how much I need to have you near me, how much it means to me to have you sharing my memories and dreams....  I should tell you more often how much I'll always need your helping hand and how much I'll always depend on you for patience and understanding... I should tell you more often that i've always felt our love was meant to be ... but I hope you know, even when I don't say it you are and always will be my one and only love.

I thought it was super cute... I wanted to cry a little